Manya Arora February 22, 2023 17 0
Doesn't everyone want to be at Amazon and Microsoft, and get a deluxe role of SDE at such companies. But what makes it possible to achieve such goal ? Well, lets look at this :
Things to remember :
It's also important not lie during an interview because while it might seem like a small thing now compared against everything else we've covered in this guide - lying still won't help sell yourself as being someone who would make a great addition.
You need to be good at coding.
You need to be good at data structure.
You need to be good at algorithm.
You need to be good at design patterns and OOP.
It’s easy to get discouraged when you fail, but never let that stop you. If a person has a positive attitude and keeps trying, they will eventually succeed. Even if it takes many years of hard work, it’s important not to lose faith in yourself and your abilities; don't let other people's opinions of you get you down! A great quote from Albert Einstein is: "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Mistakes are inevitable; there will be at least one on any path towards success or greatness—but if we accept this fact instead of getting discouraged every time we make one (or many), then we can move forward with greater confidence knowing that our efforts haven't been wasted after all -
Don’t lie about your experience and skills.
You can’t lie about your experience, skills or knowledge.
You have to be honest with yourself and the interviewer.
If you have less than 3 years of experience in a particular domain, it is okay to say that “I am new to this domain but I believe I can do it well because my core technical skills are strong enough for me to perform well in any kind of role”.
When asked about your previous technical projects and so on, don’t give out false information because it will backfire on you later when you actually get into the job role!
Amazon Interview Questions:
What are the various design patterns in Java?
Explain about Singleton Design Pattern.
How to implement Singleton Design Pattern?
What is a Proxy class and its use cases?
Difference between Array List and Linked List in Java?
Microsoft Interview Questions:
Round 1 – Coding Round on Hacker rank :
Hacker rank is a platform where you can practice coding and a lot of companies use this platform to test the coding skills of candidates. It is a good idea to practice on hackerrank before you go for an interview.
Round 2 – Coding Round :
The coding round of interviews is the most important one. It will test your knowledge of programming languages and algorithms. It should also test your problem solving skills, logical thinking and ability to think out of the box. It should also test you for teamwork and communication capabilities with other people in a team environment. The second round interviewers are usually experienced engineers who have been with Amazon or Microsoft for many years, so they can tell if you have genuine passion for software development or not just based on how you perform during this round of interviews.
If you want to crack Amazon and Microsoft for SDE then it’s important that you prepare well for this round of interviews by reading books about algorithms, data structures and design patterns etc.. Most importantly though make sure that when writing code on paper during an interview scenario (which often happens in case at least one interviewer asks) there are no syntax errors in your code as any such error will immediately disqualify your chances of getting hired by these companies especially if they already have too many applicants like they do now!
Round 3 – System Design :
In this round, you will be asked to solve an algorithm and architecture related problem. The interviewer will solve the problem on his/her laptop and he/she will ask you to take over from there. It's important that you give your best shot at solving the problem in as few lines of code as possible. You have to be good at coding here but it doesn't mean that you have to know everything about programming languages such as Java or Python but just enough to get your hands dirty with those languages.
Never give up, never lie about your experience (if any) or skills (if any), listing down all the interview questions for both Amazon and Microsoft in a chronological order would help a lot because it could save time during interviews and also help you answer similar questions correctly whenever they are asked again!
Round 4 – Business Round 1 :
The interviewer will give you a problem, and then you have to solve it. It’s like any other interview but with a time constraint—you only have 45 minutes to solve the problem. There are usually 3-5 people interviewing you at once, so you have to be on your toes with your responses.
The best way to prepare for this round is by doing as many practice problems as possible before the actual interview. Practice makes perfect, so always try to find problems that are similar in nature and difficulty level as those given out during interviews at Amazon and Microsoft.
Now let’s get into some specifics:
( Most probably it will be a Manager Level Interview )
A manager-level interview is a one-on-one meeting between you and your interviewer. This means that there will be two people in the room for this meeting.
This type of interview is generally reserved for candidates who have already been through an initial phone interview, pairing interview, or technical phone screen. There are no set rules regarding how long these interviews last—sometimes they are short and sometimes they can last as long as 60 minutes or more. Be prepared to spend 30 minutes on average in this type of setting if you do get invited back!
The problems are not so difficult to solve, but the best thing I like about these companies is , they test the knowledge, analysis and problem solving skills of the candidates rather than seeing how fast and accurate solution can be achieved.
The main thing to keep in mind when applying for Amazon and Microsoft is that they are not looking for people who can code, but for people who can solve problems. The key question is, “How would you go about solving this problem?”
They are looking for people who can think analytically and logically. They do not want a specific solution; they want to see how you would go about solving a problem. This means that the candidate should have some knowledge of the fundamentals of programming languages, but if one has no idea about coding or solving problems, he/she should be able to explain their thought process clearly without getting stuck at some point while explaining it.
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Manya Arora